15 thoughts on “Cell – Test”

  1. Were you practicing? This looks quite fantastic!
    The whole animation gives much impact in me and if you slow down camera and add some cosmic music it will knock my socks off!

    1. Thanks so much, Alex! This was indeed just a practice exercise I did many ages ago, just trying to learn some of the basic techniques of the modeling, texturing, and animation. Looking back at this now I cringe at how bad it is – I think I could make something similar probably 100 times better than this now. But your comment is much appreciated! Cheers.

  2. Hello!

    I am a web designer working on a site for biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton. I am wondering if we can get permission to use your fantastic cell image on our website home page as a background for a video where Dr. Lipton is talking about cell division.
    Thanks much,

    1. Thank you so much for your interest, Lakshmi. However, I cannot in good conscience grant permission for the use of my science-inspired work to promote what I personally consider to be pseudo-science, at best. I of course understand that you and Dr. Lipton will find this offensive, but I must abide by my own principles.

      I retain full copyright for all works on this website.

  3. Hello! I’m a biology PHD student and I’m making a poster for an event we have at campus! I was wondering if I could use this still frame image from your video on the poster.

    It’s a non profit event.

    Thanks, Micha.

  4. I would like to use this still in a pathophysiology course I teach. How do I contact you ‘offline”? Thanks.

    1. Another thought, Daniel – if you would grant permission in this blog for me to use your image that would be very much appreciated. As I mentioned I can contact you offline and provide details of myself, the course, the college where I teach and the context. I am currently putting together the audiovisual components for an online teaching pack and the college requires written permission of some kind for all digital media used. Thank you again for your attention.

      1. Terence, you can use the image or video all you want for educational purposes. I hope you find it helpful!! Lemme know how it goes 🙂

        1. That’s great news, Daniel. 🙂 I’ll keep you in the loop after course runs. Best of luck with your fantastic work!

  5. Would like to use your still frame image in lectures I give for post graduate courses on Oral Systemic Links.
    Thanks Doug Chase, DDS

  6. Hello,

    I work in the Norwegian Cancer Society, and we are participating in an event which works towards makng kids more interested in Research. We have a researcher who will talk about communication within a cell, and need a photo to use in the program. I saw your illustration of the cell (The cell still frame), and was wondering if we could borrow it for the program, and also if you have it in high resolution? We will of course credit you for the illustration.

  7. Dear Daniel,

    Nice pics, inspiring to see… May I ask what program and hardware you’re using as would like to attempt this for some medical work I’m doing.

    Secondly, may I use your still cell image for a presentation (non-profit) to my pharmacy students?

    Kind Regards


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