I’ve been fascinated with barred owls since I was a kid. In fact the man who was most influential in me becoming a biologist, Mr. Bob Ross, twice taught me to call these birds in the Ozark Mountains (he was quite an amazing zoology teacher in Arkansas). Their call sounds something like “Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you all?”

"Barred Owl"
“Barred Owl”
"Barred Owl"
“Barred Owl”


4 thoughts on “Barred Owl (Strix varia), Daniel D. Brown, 2013, Pencil”

  1. How may I purchase a copy of this barred owl pencil drawing? It is exquisite! Thank you.


  2. I stumbled upon this image on Google and I love it! I’ve been wanting to get a tattoo of a barred owl and this picture is exactly what I’m looking for. Would you mind if I got this tattooed?

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