“Dexter the Brown Pelican”, Daniel D. Brown, 2014, PanPastel and Pastel Pencil

This is “Dexter.” He lives at the National Aviary (go see him!). It’s my latest pastel pencil drawing. This is on 9.5″ x 12″ PastelMat and drawn with PanPastel and Gioconda Pastel Pencils. I’m pretty stoked with how it turned out!

Original is SOLD.

"Dexter the Brown Pelican"
“Dexter the Brown Pelican”

“Swallowtail”, Daniel D. Brown, 2013, PanPastel and Pastel Pencil

This is a pastel pencil drawing featuring a swallowtail butterfly scene I captured in a field in central North Carolina near Pilot Mountain.
It’s my second major attempt at PanPastels and Gioconda pastel pencils on PastelMat.

"Swallowtail Butterfly"
“Swallowtail Butterfly”

“Killer the Green-Winged Macaw”, Daniel D. Brown, 2013, PanPastel and Pastel Pencil

This is “Killer,” a green-winged macaw that resides at the National Aviary. This is my first proper attempt at using PanPastels on PastelMat. I’m fairly happy with how it turned out. It’s based on a photo I took at the National Aviary. You can buy prints of this piece HERE.

The original drawing was SOLD (donated to the National Aviary for the Wings and Wildlife Artshow and Benefit Auction).

"Killer the Green-Winged Macaw"
“Killer the Green-Winged Macaw”