Ocean Invasion #9: Lionfish 1, Springbok 0

A voracioius lionfish on the heels of a springbok in the African savannah.

This is the ninth in a series of pieces, “Ocean Invasion,” which finds ocean creatures living in absurd land habitats.

This piece was inspired by a marine biologist friend who is currently studying these invasive fish in Hawaii (Christie Wilcox of the popular “Science Sushi” blog at Discover Magazine).


Lionfish detail
Springbok detail

Cardiac Development in the African Clawed Frog

Way back in 2005/2006 I was trying to finish up a Ph.D. in biology studying the genetics of heart development in the lab of Dr. Frank Conlon at UNC, using the frog as a model. My advisor at the time was also going up for tenure and wanted a decent animation of heart development for his presentation. Thus I convinced him to buy us a copy of Maya, with which I made the following video and started learning how to create 3D art and animations.