Ductal Carcinoma in situ Progression – Daniel D. Brown, 2017
I made this for a presentation on my research.
I made this for a presentation on my research.
“Ocean Invasion #12: We’ve Got Crabs”
Blue crabs invade my friends’ apartment building. Note: In the original photo there is a street where there is now water.
This is the 12th in a series of pieces, “Ocean Invasion,” which finds ocean creatures living in absurd land habitats.
Photo taken with iPhone cam. Crabs modeled in Blender (with reference photo help from Dr. Tom Shultz, molecular biologist at the Duke Marine Conservation Molecular Facility and Amy Frietag of the “Southern Fried Science” blog and Duke Marine Lab). Textured and post-processing in GIMP.
A voracioius lionfish on the heels of a springbok in the African savannah.
This is the ninth in a series of pieces, “Ocean Invasion,” which finds ocean creatures living in absurd land habitats.
This piece was inspired by a marine biologist friend who is currently studying these invasive fish in Hawaii (Christie Wilcox of the popular “Science Sushi” blog at Discover Magazine).
The Manta Rays take up their seasonal invasion.
This is the seventh in a series of pieces, “Ocean Invasion,” which finds ocean creatures living in absurd land habitats.