Featured on Symbiartica – the Scientific American art blog!

I owe a great debt of gratitude to Glendon Mellow, the excellent science artist, blogger at The Flying Trilobyte, and writer at the Scientific American science-art blog “Symbiartic“.

In his latest post at Symbiartic, he featured my recent work “Ocean Invasion #12: We’ve Got Crabs.

Science-Art Scumble #31.

So check it out, and check out Glendon’s work as well.

Thanks, Glendon!

Ocean Invasion #12: We’ve Got Crabs

Ocean Invasion #12: We’ve Got Crabs

“Ocean Invasion #12: We’ve Got Crabs”

Ocean Invasion #12: We’ve Got Crabs


Blue crabs invade my friends’ apartment building. Note: In the original photo there is a street where there is now water.

This is the 12th in a series of pieces, “Ocean Invasion,” which finds ocean creatures living in absurd land habitats.

Photo taken with iPhone cam. Crabs modeled in Blender (with reference photo help from Dr. Tom Shultz, molecular biologist at the Duke Marine Conservation Molecular Facility and Amy Frietag of the “Southern Fried Science” blog and Duke Marine Lab). Textured and post-processing in GIMP.

Detail 2