Precision and Translational Pharmacology grant RFA flier

This is a little graphic I made for an RFA (request for application) for grant submissions (with breast cancer-related imagery). This work also contains within it my previous works from a series I took for “Images Fighting Cancer” and a Breast Diagram.

The image also showed up on the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (UPCI) television screens around campus.

“Masked,” Daniel D. Brown, 2016, Digital

Thanks to the completion of a recent commission, I was able to get an incredibly usedul new tool: the Intuos Creative Stylus 2. I used it to draw this raccoon in the Procreate app (my absolute favorite art app) on my old iPad Air. This took about a week to draw (mostly on the bus and in the hours before bed. You can see a timelapse (condensed to a minute) below.
